Sunday, 17 November 2013

most wonderful

Christmas is by far my favorite time of year.
This year we set up our tree November 2. Yes I am one of those people.. And I am happy to be one! Our Christmas tree makes me happy so I think why wait!? I am loving how cozy our house feels with the tree on, I love having our beautiful nativity set up and I love all the red, green and gold.
I'm enjoying all the pre-Christmas prep but what I'm looking forward to most is going back to Alberta and being with our families. The last couple months have a lot of ups and downs for both of our families so we are so grateful for time this holiday season to be with them.
My family is all pretty big on Christmas and Brynn was one of the biggest fans of all. She loved to be cozy, she loved to get the tree up and start listening to Christmas music as soon as she could and she especially loved to give. She was a huge example to me of always remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

I'm grateful for this time of year and the chance it gives us to re-evaluate our lives and remember what is most important. I'm grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ, the miracles he performed during his life and the perfect example he set for us to follow.

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