Thursday, 4 December 2014


For some reasons this year has felt different as I have been preparing for Christmas. I've been doing all the same things I always have and we had the tree and decorations up by the first week in November, but still something has been missing. I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to figure out but in all the business of this time of year I have forgotten the most important part of Christmas- Christ.
Last night was when the change began. I finally watched the Christmas video that has been popping up on my newsfeed for days. It was exactly what I needed to see and showed me what exactly what I was missing. Then tonight I went to a relief society meeting and the whole thing was centred around Christ and especially remembering him this time of year. I got some great ideas of how I can make the rest of this Christmas season more about the actual reason for the season.
I am so grateful for the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ. I'm grateful for the Christmas season and the opportunity it gives us to focus our lives around Christ and all he did for us. I love the trees and decorations and the excitement of finding the perfect gift for someone but even more than all of that I love my Savior. I love what he did for each one of us and I love that because of it we can live again with our families and be with them forever!
I hope to focus my life around Christ more this month and also throughout the coming year.

If you'd like to watch {or re-watch} the video that changed my Christmas you can find it here :)